Date and Transportation Option - Disney Dear Parents of: First Last Magic Moments is very pleased to grant the following 'magic moment!'The trip includes the 'magic moment' child, the unmarried siblings living in the home that are under the age of 18, and two adults. Please be sure to supply us with FULL NAMES below as they appear on government issued identification. If flying, it is required the names read exactly as the government issued identification.The following persons are approved for the Disney trip:Magic Moment Child First Last Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Please list Name, DOB (mm/dd/yyy), Age, and Relationship to 'magic moment' child of all other persons:'Magic Moment' Child's Favorite Color:& Shirt Size:Favorite Disney Movie & CharacterPlease choose 3 dates and type them down below for your Disney trip in case Give Kids The World Village is already booked for your first choice. The date we need is the day you want to arrive at GKTW. You can arrive any day of the week. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will assume your family wants to stay SIX nights. The first date should be at least six weeks from the date you return this form, unless there are special circumstances.Give Kids The World Village is a popular place, especially in summer and around holidays, so we need to make reservations as far in advance as possible. Once your trip has been scheduled, the dates should be changed only in the event of illness or extreme circumstances. NO PETS ARE ALLOWED.Please remember that hurricane season rune June 1 - November 30, with the vast majority of storms taking place between mid-August and the end of October. In the event of a hurricane, Magic Moments will do our best to reschedule your trip before your departure. However, if you are already in Orlando when the weather becomes evident, GKTW and Magic MOments reserve the right to evacuate you at any time. Our biggest priority is keeping our families safe. This also applies to any other circumstance that would require your immediate removal from the vicinity to keep you safe including but not limited to other natural disasters and acts of terrorism.Insert Choices for Dates Below: Add RemovePlease give contact information (including a daytime phone number) in case we have questions:Name First Last Daytime NumberEmail Address Will you need to bring a wheelchair? Yes No Is your wheelchair Collapsible Non Collapsible Electric Select All*If your wheelchair is non collapsible or electric, please provide dimensions (Length - Width - Height when sitting):If your child's wheelchair is battery powered, please indicate how many spillable batteries your wheelchair has:WE WANT TO FLY TO ORLANDO (please make sure the names on the first sheet read EXACTLY as the driver license. This is required by TSA) We will fly to Orlando. Central and North Alabama residents will typically fly out of the Birmingham Airport whereas South Alabama Families will fly out of Pensacola. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT ONCE WE PURCHASE YOUR PLANE TICKETS, THEY ARE NONREFUNDABLE UNLESS A MEDICAL EMERGENCY ARISES. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IS FINALIZED BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR PAPERWORK. We are open to flying out of the Atlanta airport to avoid layovers We want to use a rental car while at Disney World, and I have enclosed a photocopy of the front of my driver's license. We will be bringing a collapsible wheelchair, and we would like to use a minivan. We will be bringing a power wheelchair and will need a van with a wheelchair lift while at Disney World. Our child's wheelchair has spillable batteries OR:WE WANT TO DRIVE TO ORLANDO We prefer to drive our own car to Orlando We would like to drive a rental car from our home. Include the Enterprise Rent-A-Car office closest to you below. We will need a van with a power wheelchair lift to drive to Orlando. We prefer to drive all the way to Orlando in one day. The trip will take us 2 days (only if residence is more than 500 miles away from Orlando, FL.) If any additional information is required other than a copy of a driver's license, Magic Moments will let you know.Please list below any activities (up to 2) that you would like us to schedule, and we will do our best to accommofate your request. Also, please list any items you need once in Orlando (i.e. five harness car seat, oxygen, double stroller, etc. If you need a double stroller, please include the weight and height of the children using it). Add RemoveI understand that if I arrive at Give Kids The World Village with ANY extra participants, not approved in advance by Magic Moments, WILL RESULT IN THE TRIP BEING VOID AND CANCELLED. UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES - THE MAGIC MOMENT WILL NOT BE RESCHEDULED. I have read and understand the consequences of bringing extra participants, not approved by Magic Moments in advance. I agree to the privacy policy. Δ