Patrick Weatherly has been involved with Magic Moments for the past three years as a junior board member. He first heard about Magic Moments through his job at ServisFirst Bank. ServisFirst is a long time sponsor of Magic Moments and Patrick was introduced to the organization through our annual Sporting Clay Shoot at Selwood Farms, where he got to shoot clays with his coworkers and also learn more about the Magic Moments mission.
What drew Weatherly into Magic Moments was witnessing his first reveal. He said he was hooked and knew then that Magic Moments was worth putting his time and energy into.
The fundraiser that Weatherly looks forward to the most is the annual Junior Board Masters Tournament Party. According to Weatherly, it is the “best time of the year to be outside raising money.”
His favorite magic moment story to share was when he helped a child pick out toys and electronics at a shopping spree at BestBuy. The magic moment recipient he was helping knew exactly what he wanted and Weatherly enjoyed being a part of the moment.
Weatherly said that if he were to receive his very own magic moment it would be to fly with the Blue Angels.